Language (racism and consequence)

Langauge has been a means of interaction since many era. Language, which is used to communicate with each other, is  now used to know a person's knowledge so far.
 Mainly talking about India is a country with various cultures and languages. Here all states have thier own mother tounge, and people living there were not ashamed of speaking it. But it has totally changed since the new trend of communication has established. This has  changed to that extent that if the person doesn't know to speak english, he is not considered as educated. On the other side if a foreigner speaks bad hindi we appreciate for his attempt and find it beautiful, but on the other hand if an Indian speaks bad english we think of him as illetrate.
 ‎ Here rasicm starts....
 ‎An english guy never forgets his mother tounge and does not speak another language, then why should we?....
 ‎A good topic to think about...


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