Mumbai locals - a lifeline

Mumbai locals.....
 A millions lines can be saud but still soo much left. Not possibly can be expressed in one para.
 Sometime it depend on your luck to get on to the train, these locals teaches you the so called magic trick to enter any train you want.
     Me too joining the croud wating for the train ( travelling from borivali to andheri ) the indicator shows the time of 11:22 the fast local which starts from borivali itself.
     All heads turning side to side incase the had a glance from far coming train.
     After some minutes the train appeared to be coming from far away. All guys changed the position of bag from back to front counting me.
     β€Ž(i was probably at almost last compartment of the train )
     β€ŽThe daily guys never wait the train to stop eventually the jump in the train speedily to get space to sit.
     β€ŽTrain stops i gets in with my same headphone with some different songs on.. 


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